At the close of another year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Holiday Season!
And thank you for being with us!
Sincerely Yours
EII Season’s Greetings
Development of software and smart seat with built-in sensors for comfort and safety
Truck-Safe hits the roads
EII joins Open Connectivity Foundation
12 Years of Eesti Innovatsiooni Instituut
EII Season’s Greetings
EII going to SLUSH 2016
Partnership with Momenta
Introducing Our New Logo
Sügisel toimumas
Wearables – What is Happening?
EII jätkab iseseisva ettevõttena
Rise of Robotics and Sensing the Future
Challenges of IIoT
BSI ISO 9001:2008 certification
Truck-Safe hits the roads
EII joins Open Connectivity Foundation
12 Years of Eesti Innovatsiooni Instituut
EII Season’s Greetings
EII going to SLUSH 2016
Partnership with Momenta
Introducing Our New Logo
Sügisel toimumas
Wearables – What is Happening?
EII jätkab iseseisva ettevõttena
Rise of Robotics and Sensing the Future
Challenges of IIoT
BSI ISO 9001:2008 certification