The Advocate project developed smart gate valves which will be used in the detection and management of water leaks through employing autonomous wireless sensor nodes in an underground MESH network. The principal purpose of the Advocate system was to enable significant advances in the management of water losses through leakages, both from mains water supply and mains sewer systems. With this aim in mind, there are three potential areas of application for the Advocate project results:
- Replacement of valves on an ad hoc basis when they fail or stretches of leaking pipe are to be replaced;
- Replacement of valves during refurbishment programmes;
- Integration of valves during new service installation programmes.
The main results of the Advocate project have been:
- GVOC system components: sensor, sensor housing and housing / comms module interfaces;
- Pressure sensors design, components, housing and communication module interfaces;
- ZigBee comms system including MESH networking algorithm;
- Low Power Management System (LPM);
- Method and design of manufacturing of valves with integrated.
EII developed GVOC system components in Advocate project. Our customer Ulefos Esco, European society and water user worldwide will benefit by:
- The increased detection and prevention of water leaks, using Advocate system, leading to € 800 million savings per annum;
- Municipalities and water utilities will be able to monitor the status of and manage their underground water and waste water assets (i.e. for firefighting, drinking water, wastewater disposal etc.);
- Reduced cost of water to society and how much consumer pays for water.