
PUMA project developed a novel portable and non-invasive system to prevent and early detect the risk of PU (pressure ulcer), based on the control and improvement of tissue viability. Based on real-time PU risk assessment, a combination of dynamic repositioning systems and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) will be optimally integrated, preserving tissue viability as well as increasing the resistance to PU development.
Eesti Innovatsiooni Instituut developed the global control system and communication interfaces in the PUMA project. The global control system is acquiring following sensor data from PUMA system:
- Seat pressure
- Tilt of the wheelchair actuators
- Blood circulation monitoring
- Humidity sensor
- Temperature sensor
The sensor data is used as input for the control algorithms. The control algorithms running in the microcontroller of the global control unit decide based on the sensor data if the patient has a risk of ulcer development and in that case the control system uses following actuators to reduce the risk:
- Changing the tilt one or more of the wheelchair actuators
- Changing the pressure in the pneumatic cushions in the wheelchair seat
- Activating the FES stimulation of the patients muscles
As a result of PUMA project, our clients Qimova and BerkelBike expect to strengthen their competitive position facing foreign competition, achieving cumulative benefits of €24 Million 5 years post-project.